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About the Author 

Stephen Brown was born the middle of three boys in a family of five. God healed his dad, a brilliant civil engineer, of a severe mental breakdown. Because of this miracle, the Lord Jesus helped Stephen believe in him, and saved him at age nine. At the same time, Jesus called Stephen to preach the gospel, and be a missionary to America. It is this calling that greatly qualifies Pastor Stephen to write this book that is God’s word to America.

At seventeen, God called Stephen to be a missionary to his high school. He led a morning Bible study and called teens to commit their lives to Jesus Christ. The school board tried to shut him down, but Stephen refused and practiced civil disobedience based on the Scripture, “We ought to obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29). Stephen was persecuted and slandered, yet willingly picked up his cross. In spite of the opposition, some teens were saved through his ministry.

After graduating from college and teaching in the public schools for two years, the Lord called Stephen to attend Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. He graduated from Asbury in 1990. He later attended the Free Lutheran Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for a year in 2005, giving him plenty of theological training and study to qualify him to write this book on true and false Christianity.

From 1990 to the present, Pastor Stephen M. Brown has pastored eight different churches: some community churches, one Methodist, and two Lutheran churches. In all of the original churches he pastored, they rejected, slandered, and persecuted him because he preached the true gospel to the people, corrected major sin in the congregation, and simply tried to practice true Christianity and live by the Holy Scriptures. These churches rejected Christ and the true gospel and turned on their pastor, hated him, slandered him, and fired him. There were two exceptions where they wanted to fire him, but couldn’t because of a major church split, so he resigned. All his experiences illustrate how corrupt the modern churches are and how they have all fallen from the true faith and practiced a counterfeit Christianity.

All of Pastor Stephen’s experiences in the modern churches, along with his theological studies and research and his calling from God, qualify him to write this book that exposes counterfeit Christianity and communist activity in America. The author exposes the false modern churches, false Christians, and our anti-Christ, communistic Supreme Court that has abolished Christianity in our public schools, government, courts, and military. Because of his experiences and learning from Christ, God has called him to write this book, The Death of True Christianity in America, calling America to repentance, to turn back to God, and to practice true Christianity again.

Copyright 2024 Pastor Stephen M Brown